Welcome to First Light Sailing's blog. Here you will find updates on my efforts to push the needle on what's possible on boats. The origin story for this effort goes way back and is summarized in this post: Any Idiot Can Be Uncomfortable

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1 minute read

When you’re driving your boat, and in particular when you’re racing your boat, understanding your modes becomes very important.

It’s Alive!

less than 1 minute read

Turns out that when you’re trying to get your Standard Horizon HX870 Handheld to emit NMEA sentences, you need to go into the Setting Menu and enable all the...

Ok, Computer.

less than 1 minute read

Andrew’s Pi arrived (he sent it on Pi Day!), and today Zeuss loaned me a adapter so I could load up the micro SD card with the basic Raspberry Pi OS. (Barebo...

The Oarlocks Need A Lift.

less than 1 minute read

Today I was joined by Jeremy from down the street. (Thanks Jeremy!) Here’s Jeremy looking fly.